Monday, 15 September 2014

Crumbs At The Table?

As a fashion loving self confessed fattie lately I have been wondering in the feast that is fashion am I being left with a crumbs at the table that I am meant to be oh so grateful for!  As after all I couldn't possibly a woman who has allowed herself to pork out (I believe is one charming expression) have the audacity to believe I deserve the same choices as everyone who isn't in my fat club.
For example I was pretty excited when I heard Voodoo vixen was launching a Plus Size Range, but when I looked online at it, yeah the cardies were nice but the dresses left me cold.   No fitted, shorter than knee length, peekabo necklines these were all mid calf, not flared and if I am frank I felt they looked Mumsy.

Meanwhile in the main range, they get these:

And it is great that there are more retailers doing Plus Size but I feel it is limited and although I have looked at Voodoo vixen in this post there are other retailers like H and M all doing the same offering slivers and crumbs that they expect me to go ooohhhhhh thanks I can wear clothes.

Also I feel gradually with the rise of the internet although we have more choice, the opportunities for clothes shopping as a day out or a social experience are really limited.  Oxford Street itself only has Evans and Simply Be.  Whilst most of the High Street Stores like New Look try to get my round pound over the internet or at the back of their store like I am a dirty secret.

I don't have the answers I just want to be able to go shopping with any of my friends whether they are fat, thin or inbetween and shop in the same shops with the same choices and not skulk away on the internet to find my clothes is that so much to bloody ask?

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