Thursday, 15 January 2015

Throwback Thursday - Twee through the years

Inspired by the spate of first profile pictures and Throwback Thursdays I thought I would share with you a quick peek at me through the years, if it seems a bit narcissistic please feel free to skip.  But here we go.

In the first pic I am probably about 12 so it is 1987, I am wearing the stonewash denim blouson style denim jacket so popular of the time with a very white T shirt I obviously hadn't eaten else it would probably be food splattered with some kind of print skirt.  Although I look happy I was probably riddled with insecurity and felt very fat.  I am sporting my first perm others came they weren't as successful.

In the second picture I am 20 I am obsessed with Drew Barrymore and Pulp and try an look like Drew, although I am a size 16 with a 28 inch waist I always feel fat.  However, this is the first time in my life I realise that boys like me and I exploit this as it makes me feel pretty.

This picture is from early 2003 I have just got married, I never wear anything but trousers or jeans and I feel fat most of the time.  I have just put on about 2 stone and although fatter squeeze myself into whatever fits in Dorothy Perkins and Debenhams.  I am still loving a denim jacket too.

The final picture is my fist profile picture I hated it at the time and thought my face looked huge but I never had pictures taken as I hated them so much so there weren't many to choose from, so this one it was.

The next picture is my first short haircut in 2009 I felt really pretty for the first time in a while and I had just lost about 2 stone that year and it was quite a good period for me in my life.

This is New Year 2011 and that is my first print dress which has become my personal brand really, I am getting more into a retro look.

This is July of 2012 I am again wearing a print dress my Limb fishing girls one, I am a few months away from reading my first plus size blogs but I am getting into my own personal style a bit more and I think it was about this time I decided I would stop dieting.  It was a fun night but I know my mind set hadn't changed that much as I remember seeing the pictures and thinking: "oh I look fat."

My final pic is New Year 2014 I am wearing my first and probably favourite print dress again and I feel happy and pretty through blogging I don't hate having my picture taken any more and I am not as preoccupied with if I look fat, cos well I am fat and that is okay.


  1. OMG, I had one of those stonewashed denim blouson jackets too! It had navy and white striped lining and I loved it. I have no idea what happened to it though.

    You look fab in all your photos and I'm glad you found your style. I think it takes most of us until our 30s. Well it did me anyway. ;) xx

    1. My foster sister had one with the stripy lining, think mine was from Lincoln market I loved it and my teal leggings. I think your right I think I found the recipe that works for me x

  2. Hehe... you look so cute. :) You haven't changed much though. :) I never could afford buying anything back in the 80s as my family didn't have much money. And my dad hated denim so I never had any denim:(

    1. Thanks, I was very young in some of these pictures, it is strange looking back. I think that was when I was first allowed to start choosing my own clothes and I loved that jacket. xxx
